Nighttime | Teen Ink


June 18, 2013
By macy410 BRONZE, Camden, Maine
macy410 BRONZE, Camden, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sun sets on the Earth.
Darkness clouds the land.
Soon a new rebirth,
Forming in its hand.

Darkness clouds the land.
Moon comes out to shine.
Forming in its hand,
Flowers up a vine.

Moon comes out to shine.
Stars surround the world.
Flowers up a vine,
A common thread is twirled.

Stars surround the world.
Changing to black scenes.
A common thread is twirled,
Out sky’s nightly queens.

Changing to black scenes.
Life goes on around.
Our sky’s nightly queens,
Hidden with no sound.

Life goes on around.
Morning dawn do sing.
Hidden with no sound,
Daylight’s gleaming king.

Morning dawn do sing.
Sun stands on the Earth.
Daylight’s gleaming king,
Now a new rebirth.

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