Overthinking on Off Days | Teen Ink

Overthinking on Off Days

March 15, 2021
By MariRei BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
MariRei BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some days, I find my mind slipping

Dreaming of a life that is worth keeping

Eyes straight to the ceiling

I’m feeling so lost trying to find some meaning

In the plans I have laid out in front of me

Filled with so many possibilities

But now I find myself going nowhere else, stuck in all this fear

I’m led astray facing my demons

Creeping in my mind, seeping in

Explaining the increasing reasons 

That I should give up on succeeding

‘Cause they know that the stress always builds up

Making sure that I know that I’m not enough

To get where I’ve always wanted to be, somewhere else from here

Stuck in this perpetual state

Wanting to erase 

All the progress I’ve made

And I’m pacing around

Side-to-side, up and down

Do I dare make a sound?

Or am I not allowed

To voice these concerns?

No, I can’t form the words

‘Cause my thoughts are all blurred

And I’m making it worse

With the doubts about school

And relationships too

I’m left here confused

In this battle I’ll lose

Just take a deep breath

And know that it’s all in your head

You know what you should do instead?

Confront your family and friends

Tell them that you’re not okay

And they’ll be with you every step of the way

On off days like this when the hurt seems to stay

Open up and share your pain.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a comforting song whenever the thoughts in my head get too loud to drown out everything in my life. During quarantine, things seem lonelier, and being devoid of everything else makes it easier for the bad things to become apparent. In times like these, it's better to just comfort yourself with other people, even if it is virtual. 

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