replaceable | Teen Ink


September 16, 2021
By pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"though she be but little, she be fierce" - midsummer nights dream

does she see all the parts of you i couldn’t find 

is she the one who occupies your dreams at night 

when you kiss do you remember the taste of her lips 

cause i know you remembered mine 


i’m sitting in this bed alone 

waiting for you to check your phone

oh why did you hold me so tight 

if you were gonna let go 


thought i was priceless 

might just 

end it all 

and you were right 

all along 

i thought i was irreplaceable 

i’m replaceable 


all of my pain 

i see if everywhere 

it reminds me 

binds me to 

a paper and a pen 

but you were perfect 

but i deserved it 

all of this hurting 

i’m obsessive 


cause you’re my favorite person 


i’m sitting in this bed alone 

waiting for you to check your phone

oh why did you hold me so tight 

if you were gonna let go 


thought i was priceless 

might just 

end it all 

and you were right 

all along 

i thought i was irreplaceable 

i’m replaceable 


i look around

and see something you would laugh at 

i leave my house 

and someone walks by that’s wearing your perfume 

and i think of you 

oh get out of my head

i’m trying to forget that you 


held me so tight 

then let go 

please don’t let go 

no don’t let go 

The author's comments:

honestly idk

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