Lonely in this City | Teen Ink

Lonely in this City

February 6, 2023
By Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Verse 1:

Lonely in this city, where the stars are so bright

I walk the boulevard, in the dead of night

Feelin' lost and broken, like a bird with a shattered wing

Hoping love will come, and be my everything



In this endless summer, where the winds are so warm

I'm searching for a feeling, that'll keep me from harm

Take me to a place, where the sun never sets

Where the nights are forever, and I won't forget


Verse 2:

Sippin' on a whiskey, thinkin' 'bout my past

Remembering the moments, that didn't seem to last

Wishin' I could turn back time, and make it all right

But all I have is tonight, and this city's endless light



In this endless summer, where the winds are so warm

I'm searching for a feeling, that'll keep me from harm

Take me to a place, where the sun never sets

Where the nights are forever, and I won't forget



And I know, I won't find what I'm looking for

In this city of broken dreams, and a love that's not pure

But I'll keep searching, for a light in the dark

'Cause I know in my heart, love will make a brand new start.



In this endless summer, where the winds are so warm

I'm searching for a feeling, that'll keep me from harm

Take me to a place, where the sun never sets

Where the nights are forever, and I won't forget

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