Dream... | Teen Ink


July 18, 2010
By Cassieslullaby DIAMOND, Dubuque, Iowa
Cassieslullaby DIAMOND, Dubuque, Iowa
90 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Said we go to war just to bring us together, I believe in Love, I believe in forever..."

"Eyes see everything..." -Devon Torble,

"Caught up in love"- Joseph M. Lyons,

"I speak my words, through a broken truth,
...I bite my lip, and taste its guilt,
I see heaven on the horizon, but I turn my back,
Paradise must wait,
For when it dies,
The truth shall be revealed…" - Joseph Michael Lyons,

"Seen through an angel’s eyes,
I’ve found love where it truly lies,
And when that angel cries,
All my pain slowly dies…" - Cassandra Burnes and Joseph Lyons

Is all around me,
Is full of wonder,
Is full of beauty,
Thank God I found you,
Will never hurt you,
Will always save you,
Will never leave you,
But I…
Can’t help but wonder,
I must live to question…

What would you do,
If I said I loved you,
What would you do,
If I said I need you,
What would you do,
If I am missing,
What would you do,
If I lost my life,
What would you do,
If fate found me,
What would you do,
If you weren’t there…

I won’t let you fall,
Take my hand,
I won’t let you bleed,
No more sorrow,

Yet I question…

What if I went blind,
I’d be your vision
My thoughts I cannot hide,
You’re my religion,
My savior in the sky,
That I worship,
Tell me how,
Tell me now,
If I am dreaming…

Is all around me,
Is full of wonder,
Is full of beauty,
Thank God I found you,
But I…
Can’t help but wonder,
I must live to question…

What should I do,
If you say you love me,
What should I do,
If you say you need me,
What should I do,
If you go missing,
What should I do,
If you lose your life,
What should I do,
I fate finds you,
What should I do,
If your not there…

All my heart,
Within my wisdom,

All my mind,
Within my halo,

All my fears,
This helpless feeling,

I’m so scared,
That I will lose you,

But I can’t help but to question…

What if I went blind,
I’d be your vision
My thoughts I cannot hide,
You’re my religion,

My savior in the sky,
That I worship,
Tell me how,
Tell me now,
If I am dreaming…

What would you do,
If I said I loved you,

What would you do,
If I said I loved you…?

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