A Different Kind of Beauty | Teen Ink

A Different Kind of Beauty

February 28, 2011
By rainonroses GOLD, Dayton, Ohio
rainonroses GOLD, Dayton, Ohio
19 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."-Judy Garland

A smile in the silence,
A ray of sun on a cloudy day,
Stained glass windows in a quiet church,
A wish you give away,
A star streaking,
In the heavens up above,
A waning sunset,
A first and only love,

This is what true beauty is,
A smile, sunlight, or dandelion fluff in the wind,
It's tears cried for those who hold them back,
Somebody making up for what you lack,
It's a friendship that only grows stronger with time,
It's a child's crayon drawing,
And a poem with no reason or rhyme,

It's that hug your sister gave you yesterday,
It's a raindrop on your window,
A song you wrote and play,
It's the doodles on your sneakers,
When you got bored in class,
It's the grass under your feet,
The quiet happiness of the past,

The world may tell us,
All these things,
Are merely part,
Of a grey and pointless reality,
They tell us beauty isn't something very rare,
It's the make-up we put on,
Or the stylish clothes we wear,
But I choose to believe,
What I think is the truth,
That beauty is not always what we see,
But also what we do,

And in this life,
Though troubles and toils go on,
We can always find a bit of beauty,
Rare and precious, but lasting long,
Red carpets and vintage dresses,
Are for photoshopped celebrities,
I prefer the beauty,
Of truly being me.

The author's comments:
What I think true beauty is.... enjoy.

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