Farewell | Teen Ink


March 12, 2013
By Brychette SILVER, Fort Myers, Florida
Brychette SILVER, Fort Myers, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I have not failed; I have simply found 10,000 ways it won’t work.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes you may have to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.”

I'm dying slowly on the inside,
I'm feeling there is no reason to keep living life.
Am I that out of my mind?
Will I be saved from myself in time?

Every night, all I do is silently cry.
Every time I try, nothing I seem to do is right.
All I ask, is Why?

Why should I even try?
Why must I endure this life?
Why can't I just give up this fight?
Why can no one hear my plight?
All I ask, is Why?

Can't you see the pain in my eyes?
Can't you see I'm losing the fight?
Can't you see my hearts' fading light?

All I ask, is Why?

All I ever ask, is Why?
Why, Why? Why, Why?

Now I must say Farewell, Cruel, Cold Life...

The author's comments:
This is to my friend who lost her life to self-harm. She did it because of bullying, and that is something I now wish to abolish above all else.

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