School | Teen Ink


April 9, 2013
By chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day is bright,
The weather is right,
The teachers have come,
The students have arrived without chewing gum,

The sun is shining,
Birds are singing,
Students are walking to classes,
While quietly talking,

The sky is blue,
The birds have flew,
The students has taken their seats,
And takes out their sheets,

The grass is green,
The ground is clean,
It’s time to eat,
Everyone must take their seat to eat,

The day is almost over,
Time to take a shower,
Everyone is ready to go home,
And take a nap,

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this poem is because teachers always stress about the rules at school. So i wrote this for the students who have hard time listening to the rules.

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