Exit Wounds | Teen Ink

Exit Wounds

May 6, 2013
By my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
my_souls_been_shaken SILVER, Palm Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school" - Bruce Springsteen

He picks his fights
With consideration
Of the ones he’s won and lost
He silently screams
Out his name
But everyone who heard forgot
And maybe I’m the only one
Who understands him
Because his tired eyes say
Too much
There’s a fire in his eyes
And he’s a diamond in the rough

A person’s past is in their stories
Not where they’ve been
And maybe loving him
Was a waste of a sin
And by the look in his eyes
And the cuts in his skin
All I know now
Is that love never wins

After all he’s seen
He believes he’s lost his mind
But I would gladly trade his insanity
For mine
Maybe the list of failed loves
Can go on through the end of time
But what he needs
Is just one last try

All those fights
That he chose
With consideration
He lost
And all of the names he ever learned
He always forgot
I may be the only one who understands him
And his tired eyes never say enough
The fire in his eyes
Were all of his thoughts

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