Don't You Dare Give Up | Teen Ink

Don't You Dare Give Up

February 15, 2014
By 17wkoch PLATINUM, Mequon, Wisconsin
17wkoch PLATINUM, Mequon, Wisconsin
39 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
A number two pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.

There may be red on your arms
But there’s good in your heart
You shouldn’t have to feel this pain
When you told me that night
To put down the knife
Remember what you made me say

When the cuts
Turned to scars
Turned to shame
When the lies
Turned to hurt
Turned to blame

Don’t you dare give up
Don’t you dare back down
You’ve changed my life
And you can’t quit now
So put down the blade
You’ve had enough
Keep on fighting
Don’t you dare give up

There may be blood on your sleeves
But that don’t matter to me
You’re beautiful, though you don’t see
When you told me that day
To put down the blade
You saved me. You saved me.

When the cuts
Turned to scars
Turned to shame
When my thoughts
Turned to tears
Turned to pain

Don’t you dare give up
Don’t you dare back down
You’ve changed my life
And you can’t quit now
So put down the blade
You’ve had enough
Keep on fighting
Don’t you dare give up

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
And you matter
You matter to me
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
And you matter
You matter to me

When the cuts
Turned to scars
Turned to shame
When my thoughts
Turned to tears
Turned to pain

Don’t you dare give up
Don’t you dare back down
You’ve changed my life
And you can’t quit now
So put down the blade
You’ve had enough
Keep on fighting
Don’t you dare give up

The author's comments:
To my southern bell, I love you

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