my precious gold and diamond | Teen Ink

my precious gold and diamond

June 20, 2014
By Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Every day i feel lonely
But when your around
Nothing can be upside down
As a child youd never let me drown
Youd never turn your backs
Nothing about you ever lacks
Your the diamond and the gold in my life
I could never lose you
No matter what
You made me who i am

I could always count on youuuuu
Never the second best always the first
I could never ask for anyone else but youuuu
You are my my sheild yes you are

Whenever i got a boo boo
You would hug me to my confort
Whenever i was sad you gave me smile
Whenever i was scared you made me strong

I could always count on youuuu
Never the second best always the first
I could neveR ask for anyone Else but youuuu
You are my sheild yes you are

Sittin with a smile (2x)
On my face
Cuz of you you
You would never let my smile upside
Youd never let me down
Always can count on you (3x)

What families for
You are my precious diamond
Cant live without (2x)

Never let me down

The author's comments:
I did this song for my familey to show how much i love them.

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