happy to be me | Teen Ink

happy to be me

June 21, 2014
By Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
Naveenahmad SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Happy to be me
Just me

I walk and walk and stumble
But i get up and start again
Yeah, this journey never ends
I keep racing to my goal

You try to snatch that smile of my face
But whats the point?
Nothing will change
No matter what,no matter what
Whatever you do i know im buetiful
Whatever you say im spectacular

And i`ll always glue a smile on my face
I`ll go through every maze
And i dont care what you say
Cuz im happy to be me

Happy to be me
Yeah im happy to be me
Always a smile on my face
Cuz its a gift
Never go adrift
Happy to be me
Just me

Try to shatter my spirit
But i
But i will never fall apart
Im not your puppet
Or your play toy

Waste your time
Cuz i wont listen
What you say
Nothing will offend me
Cuz im happy to be me

Happy to be
Yeah, im happy to be me
Always a smile on my face
Cuz its a gift
Never adrift
Happy to be me
Just me

And i`ll nevet fall behind
Be precious and kind
No matter you say i`ll never be upset
Never feel regret

You tuant and laugh
But i would be sittin with a smile on my face
Cuz it wont turn upside down
No matter what
You know im strong
Cuz im happy to be me

Happy to be me
Yeah happy to be me
Always a smile on my face
Cuz its a gift
Never adrift
Happy to be me
Just me

You know this smile will never fade
Never dissapears
You would never hurt me
Never, ever
Cuz im happy to be me

Never no smile, yeah never
Never goes away
Happy to be me

Happy to be me
Just me

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This article has 1 comment.

Sunnygirl said...
on Jun. 27 2014 at 5:01 pm
This is sweet and very great song I can get a beat of!