Dance | Teen Ink


November 6, 2014
By ains_keats BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
ains_keats BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imperfection is beauty"

It’s like the fire that’s burning within,
My passion, my love, and my dream.
How can I describe it, where do I begin?
I’m an angel, a princess, a queen.

The shuffle, the scuff, the flap, and the twirl –
I move to the rhythm and beat.
As I gracefully leap, I’m in my own world,
All the joy is expressed through my feet.

It’s like jumping and flying through fluffy white clouds -
A warm and vibrant sensation.
Or like putting a fresh new mint in your mouth;
I’m an artist, this is my creation.

I suddenly hesitate, trip, and then fall
Going down like a plane through the air,
But I stand right back up, looking proud, strong, and tall
And go on without shedding a tear.

Feelings expressed, and body obsessed
With the music, the sound, and the trance;
I’m floating on air and feeling my best,
I am lost in this beautiful dance.

The author's comments:

I have been dancing for twelve years now, and it is an integral part of my life. 

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