Superhero | Teen Ink


February 25, 2016
By Siege SILVER, Arlington, Massachusetts
Siege SILVER, Arlington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw a superhero in real life today, I swear.

I think I saw him fly or maybe teleport, don't really care.

I saw him there in the middle of the street.

Then he smiled and waved back when he saw me.


You know that feeling when you hear a song for the first time,

And you know all the words, you know every rhyme,

Every line is straight from your lips.

Like a movie script or something it just seems to fit.


There was a time when I wanted to be a famous hockey star.

But then my mind colleapsed four times and so that dream didn't get very far.


I guess it's stupid but whenever it rains my head gets wet, I don't wear hats.

My life is full of patterned socks and studying where's the fun in that?

I just want to see the sun.

I've been on my best behavior, but it's been ten months since I've had any fun.


Sometimes I feel like my batteries are wearing out.

But when the clothes I wear were made in sweatshops it's hard to justify

Feeling down in this world driven by greed.

But the bunny isn't drumming and that isn't just for me.


There was a time when I wanted to be a model or a movie star.

But when girl after girl breaks your heart, reality hits you pretty hard.


I guess it's cool that there are superheroes with normal lives.

But when they go home to their dinners, to their husbands and wives,

Are they satisfied knowing what they could be?

Guess I'm just happy, that's not a problem for me.

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This article has 1 comment.

Nina! said...
on Feb. 28 2016 at 12:45 pm
I totally adore this poem Great Job, Well Done I love it keep writing your poems your amazing!!!!!