Mama Mia | Teen Ink

Mama Mia

October 1, 2016
By jackietaylora BRONZE, Prairieville, Louisiana
jackietaylora BRONZE, Prairieville, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You whispered in my ear but I still didn't know

You whispered in my ear but you still wouldn't show

Now the light at the end tells me where I go

Had to fool everyone so I put on a show


Mama Mia, guide me

Mama Mia, show me


Mama Mia,

Mama Mia,


The one who was there the night you told me how I felt

You took me in with loving arms

But once again I fell too hard

Fell into the trap put before my deparate eyes.

The author's comments:

Mama Mia is a story about a young boy who's mother was abusive towards him. The way the boy tells his story is as if his mother were his love. 


The young boy does not have a father figure in his life as his father left his mother due to her abussive ways and her drinking and drug problems. However, he left the boy behind.


The song is not yet completed but I am still working on it.

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