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By Amanda Paige PLATINUM
Kissimmee, Florida

Forgive time like a brocken clock, dust covered... for the fire just won't stop... Just here to make your face fade, creatures slipping into your every dream... love me b...
Amanda Paige PLATINUM, Kissimmee, Florida
22 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Amanda Paige PLATINUM, Kissimmee, Florida
22 articles 1 photo 5 comments
By Hollydances BRONZE
Kanab, Utah
Hollydances BRONZE, Kanab, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you do what you always have done, then you'll get what you always have gotten.

By spazzkid SILVER
Laval, Other
spazzkid SILVER, Laval, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
kneel down you sinners talk street wise religion, greeds been crowned the new king, hollywood dream teens, yesterdays trash queens, save the blessing for the final ring A-MEN -Nikki Sixx

By nooxygen PLATINUM
Medford, New York
nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
49 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mirror only tells half the story, beauty is found on the inside...<br /> love is blind<br /> only the shadow knows<br /> words said in the heat of anger are never from the heart

By lolcopter GOLD
Santa Maria, California
lolcopter GOLD, Santa Maria, California
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;it&#039;s kind of bad, when the words you write, kind of turn themselves into knives.&quot;

By Pagerda SILVER
Senatobia, Mississippi
Pagerda SILVER, Senatobia, Mississippi
8 articles 2 photos 4 comments
By Just-Maybe GOLD
South Salem, Ohio
Just-Maybe GOLD, South Salem, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Laugh your heart out. Dance in the rain. Cherish the moment. Ignore the pain. Live, love, laugh. Forgive &amp; Forget. Life&#039;s too short to live with regrets.