To Possess Such a Sun | Teen Ink

To Possess Such a Sun

January 18, 2019
By AditiKhanna BRONZE, Los Altos, California
AditiKhanna BRONZE, Los Altos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To possess such a sun makes for a mighty chase;

Much space between us, but also none at all

I reach my hand out, yet the sky is a harsh wall

That prohibits her capture within my embrace

She commands me up a never-ending staircase

I bruise and batter with every stumble and fall

If I must, for her love, on the filthy dirt I would crawl,

The treasure I win by just a glimpse of her angelic face

Yet to possess such a sun burns and blinds my fragile eyes,

If I cease to see, it is hopeless to maintain,

Since with this bliss does come great pain,

My long search of my longed prize

Up above where she sits, no ladder is long enough

To ever reach my diamond in the rough

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