Best Buds | Teen Ink

Best Buds

January 24, 2019
By catherineirene36 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
catherineirene36 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


A gaping smile and bright brown eyes,

Or sobs and rolling tears.

She is better than any of her past guys.

And though I don’t approve of her current affairs,


Her seat is always shotgun in my ’95 Camry

Where she sticks hatchimals to my dash,

And blasts Hayley Kiyoko and Austin and Ally,

While filling my dinosaur bank with cash.


My go to girl to send memes,

The brightest smile in my life,

The only one that understands my hatred for Markowsky,

And most importantly, my gay wife.


My token straight best friend,

With her around, I don’t want high school to end.


The prettiest laugh in any room.

In our little group, probably the most honest,

Though, she brings her vape to the restroom.

We both have migraines that are chronic.


The first person I turned to when questioning,

The sickest field hockey goalie,

A committed manager at wrestling,

A friend that’s there for you wholly.


You can hear her coming by her clogs,

Or catch her in cute pj pants.

She works hard at golden house for her job.

She’s the first to give someone a chance.


But, when anyone bad talks our fam, she’s anything but calm.

That’s our sweet little Italian mom.


Wholesome, innocent, kind,

Well-meaning, honest and clueless,

She is the best friend you could find;

She lights up when you turn on music.


Her skin is clear,

Her eyes a beautiful blue.

Her makeup skills are top tier.

Her positive outlook is one to look up to.


She will make anyone’s day.

She looks out for us,

And tries to keep our destructive decisions at bay.

She’s understanding which is a plus.


My field hockey buddy,

Deserves the love of everybody.

The author's comments:

I wrote three sonnets about some of my best friends that I feel extremely lucky to have. Their support inspired me to write these. 

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