No Sitting on the Furniture | Teen Ink

No Sitting on the Furniture

March 26, 2019
By BBalquist BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
BBalquist BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When He has left me home I’ve not worry

Master always has a good return treat

I love master he says I am furry

Oh boy my big owner cannot be beat

Yesterday owner did not get my food

I’d’nt know how this could happen. I’m scared

He is not home where could he be; I cooed

I awoke last night, to a bang that blared

Now the big men who smell like mean work dogs

Run in they take me so rough and quickly

All the people on the street call them hogs

He grabs me, his grip is mean and prickly

Now I am cold, this place is so so loud

Every bark hangs and echos like a cloud

The author's comments:

After studying SHakespeare, I became interested in the sonnet. I knew I wanted to write about death, as much of his work pertains to the theme. I decided to take the incomprehnsibility of a major death to the extreme.

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