Springtime has Arrived | Teen Ink

Springtime has Arrived

May 13, 2019
By BhumiM00 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
BhumiM00 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No clouds dull the bleary flowers of March

Thou are more fragrant and more beautiful

The smell thou brings the scent of butterscotch

Fills the children’s need for play and giggle

It is about time for thee arrive

By the singing birds and dancing leaves

Winter has done enough of terrorize

For it is time of a fain disbelieve

The whispering winds signal a new day

While the sunlight has brought in a new springtime

In with the new, out with the old portrays today

As a time with few grapevines and good times

Spring brings in good vibes and restoration

All that is left is a graduation

The author's comments:

Bhum Mehta is a rising senior attending the University of Houston in the fall of 2019 where she plans on pursuing a career in Nursing and her love for English inspires her minor in English. During her free time, Bhumi enjoys volunteering at hospitals, writing/journaling, and art.

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