The Sequence of a Toxic Love | Teen Ink

The Sequence of a Toxic Love

May 15, 2019
By KJ-Turk BRONZE, Tustin, California
KJ-Turk BRONZE, Tustin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't look back in anger.

Wasting time in the blinding, midday sun,

Searching for hidden meanings in the lines,

I only found your lack of true love fun;

Chagrin rusts my iron fist of dark signs

Do you dare to taunt good people in vain?

Your silence leaves me in utter distress.

I’m headed elsewhere on a southbound train,

For your lies were written on your silk dress.

The false oaths I swore on were deceiving,

And merely stood idly by as time passed;

I’m consumed by the pain I’m receiving,

Yet my lungs cannot function at long last

Since you’ve taken a piece of me with you.

I thought you were mine; You never came through.

The author's comments:

Whether you intepret this romantically or platonically, as functioning members of society we have or will experience toxicity among our relationships with different people. My intent for this piece was to be something readers could connect with and bring light to the fact that they are not alone in their experience with bad relationships. 

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