Reason to Be | Teen Ink

Reason to Be

May 15, 2019
By sam2060128 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
sam2060128 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As bright as the star-studded sky above

A smile quite joyous, indeed euphoric

Son generous, a thing to be proud of

Its effect being very caloric


As alluring and gleaming as can be

A pair of eyes so beautifully dark

Seducing, dim chestnut jewels I see

Have taken quite a toll on me, a mark


Black and bold as the inky ill-lit night

So thick and enthralling, giving no peace

Such handsome curls, what a way to excite

A work of art, a true masterpiece


Alas, my darling as far as I see

You, above all else…. My reason to be

The author's comments:

It was written through inspiration of a significant other

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