Loss | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Courage, man. The hurt cannot be much

A life traded for a life, has its downfalls, but is worth it

She died bringing your newborn into this beautiful world

She has fulfilled her destiny and fate cannot be stopped.

Death is a end, but also a beginning.

A journey into the second life, she will live within the cosmos above.

Your mind must be plagued with grief and despair.

Look at the bright side though.

Her final action was a gift for you and accept it.

No one else could fill in your shoes.

Watch her legacy grow and hold on tight.

You have also started a new chapter in your book.

Your experience will be harder than others, but every minute is worth it.

She will grow stronger than everyone else and rise above

Your guidance is all she needs.

You never have seen true beauty until now.

I leave you now with your thoughts. Farewell.

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