the boy who pleases all | Teen Ink

the boy who pleases all

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story

of that kid who struggles to please everyone from his parents to friends , the kid who has siblings to watch over , grades to bring up and a collassle project to perfect.

He saw the glooming passage , his heart beated hard in his chest ,

knowing he could not give what his profesor what she wanted.

Disappointed he would leave knowing that he would have to break the news to his creator. As he crept in he slowly let his hand kreep out and grab the worksheet he needed.

Then he quickly glanced towards his desk , his friend was there , “good” he said quietly and briskly walked over to his desk.

As he plopped down he said quietly “ hay do you have the homework “.

His friend quickly said “ no and we are switching seats “.

He glanced up and noticed that everyone was in different spots.

He quietly cursed again not knowing where he was going to sit so he went to the other side of the room. And there is where he sat silently through the class almost tripping on kids as the bell rang . “Few” he said now just have to survive the quest back to BFE.

Thank you muse daughter of Zeus ,king of gods. For the story of the boy who tries to please all.

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