Arid Sea of Tears | Teen Ink

Arid Sea of Tears

May 22, 2019
By RoseKalayci BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
RoseKalayci BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You drown out others with ocean blue-grey eyes.

The deeper they swim-see, sharp rocks await

ready in self defense, hoping to fly-

saving yourself from tears. Just like a closed gate.

Locked away, dissimilar from those you knave.

Dense as water,lucid self acceptance. Warmth-hate.

Attention not recognition, you crave.

Luring lovers, friends in. Always the unknowing bate.

Suppose you: the sea. To whom would you seek.

Salvation or despair, need for repair.

Although you have peeked; to those you just meet.

Looking into your murky blue depth I stare.

To say you loathe yourself would be a lie,

For you fondly adore me, and you, I.

The author's comments:

This is a sincere sonnet about myself and selfworth. Thank you.

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