Blue eyed boy | Teen Ink

Blue eyed boy

May 24, 2019
By CaydWuzHere BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
CaydWuzHere BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t think of a word to explain this.

You’ve made it hard for me to understand,

You passed on me a feeling I won’t miss,

All that you are feels like reprimand.

My thoughts of beauty turn to little lies,

A single glance turns my tongue to steel wool.

You’re beautiful blue eyes that turn me shy,

My pristine mind becomes a broken tool.

Was it my fault? Or could it have been you?

My mind is cluttered with all you have said,

What happened was you broke my heart in two.

Your heart is a place I will never tread.

I shall move on, and I shall forgive you,

But I need more time, this is all too true.

The author's comments:

Alright, so I wrote this after going through my first crush and being rejected. I was quite the mess, but I was able to pull myself together little by little.

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