Test | Teen Ink


June 4, 2019
By seanpiazzacs19 BRONZE, Albany, New York
seanpiazzacs19 BRONZE, Albany, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake from my sleep thinking about sheep,

Stressed about the day, I hope it goes away,

As I eat my breakfast,I fall asleep,

As I receive the test, I feel so stressed,

Filling out the bubbles with few troubles,  

After this test, it’ll be off my chest,

Getting through my troubles with little troubles,

Finally done, that was not at all fun,

I hope I do well, that test was like hell,

I exit the room with a very quick run,  

As I’ve left the room, I feel quite swell,

This test has made me one gigantic mess,

Now I can finally rejoice and rest.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece from my heart. I wrote this after taking a test and the axiety that came with taking the test gave me the idea to write this.

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