Puppy Love | Teen Ink

Puppy Love

December 9, 2019
By Anonymous

Thank you for my sister, Mack

Love she does not lack

With blue eyes and golden hair 

No other sister can compare 

She always knows when I’m upset

I put her fur in cute barrettes 

She wakes me up every day 

She licks my face and wants to play! 

Sometimes she eats my lunch

I know because I hear the crunch!

She is a jack of many trades

Cuddling, barking, and eating my bad grades

She barks at lights, people, and children

She is really one in a million

I give her treats when she is sad

The tricks she does are super rad

When I kiss her sometimes she’ll bite me  

I have a scar from her on my knee 

For her, I have God to thank

Without her, my heart would be blank

She helps me get through the fog 

That is why she’s my favorite dog 

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