A Winters Love | Teen Ink

A Winters Love

February 11, 2020
By DragonQueen067 BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
DragonQueen067 BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Painful lungs and a windswept, freezinface,

how would he manage to get her a cure?

all that surrounded him was this cold white space.

What did she do to get sick? She was pure.

Why does sin always reach for the prettiest jewels?

Why did his wife have to shine so brightly?

Due to the snowstorm during the yules,

he may not return up till fortnightly. 

Sin always craves the most exquisite things,  

and lord knows she’s the most exquisite. 

Man is strong, for the heaven her heart brings.

His handheld by hers, love so requisite. 

She was sick, but he would do anything.

To save the goddess the heavens gave him

The author's comments:

A love poem

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