Yesterday It Rained | Teen Ink

Yesterday It Rained

May 13, 2020
By lonely_soul BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
lonely_soul BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Listen--are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?" - Mary Oliver

Yesterday it rained and never ceased, but oh!

the infant leaves of maple trees gleamed

when viewed through raindrops sliding down the seam

of a glass window and I’d like to say I love the rain, follow

sodden clouds to dance in puddles and let my features blow 

away with whipping winds but this storm is not a muted dream,

whispers in the air bite and how would I decide between

coats when raindrops hit bare skin as cold as melted snow?


But know I can suffocate under brick and tile,

I am growing smaller. How can I breathe

air that has not been sweetened by wind and cherry blossoms?

On cracking sidewalks, empty roads, I can be free awhile,

shivering under a trembling sky, sun sheathed,

but free in the solitude of a world now gruesome.

The author's comments:

Originally, this was just supposed to be about a storm, but as I continued to write I found I was really trying to talk about confinement amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

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