The Rabbit | Teen Ink

The Rabbit

October 20, 2020
By Anonymous

the rabbit runs through the tunnels 

away from a death that would defy a thousand deaths

no where It goes does it know it is safe

from this horrible place

the predators don't care about the innocent life

all they care about is what they want

even if that means destroying everything the rabbit knows

and after all the predators have done

they still believe, they haven't done enough

because they want to conquer all that is known

and be the most powerful predator in all of the forest

but the Rabbits try to find a way to fight back 

even though, there is no right path for them to go

because every way they go, 

there seems to be something blocking them

but the predators, they are relentless 

one attack after another

but the Rabbits can do nothing

The author's comments:

This piece is about modern day terror attacks and how civilians like rabbits are defenseless.

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