Love: An English Sonnet | Teen Ink

Love: An English Sonnet

November 17, 2020
By nathaliavalencia BRONZE, Agoura Hills, California
nathaliavalencia BRONZE, Agoura Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is like a rollercoaster

You can feel all types of things

It is on every poster

And if that person you love hurts you it stings

You can feel so much despair

It feels as if you cannot rest 

Especially if the relationship is going nowhere

You often feel obsessed 

But it is the best feeling in the world 

You feel like nothing can tear you down

You don't even realize that you twirled

You feel like you are wearing a crown

Love is a deep connection where you are fond

And that love can soar above and beyond

The author's comments:

This was a poem I wrote for my poetry project in creative writing.

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