The More I Know | Teen Ink

The More I Know

December 10, 2020
By poetinmypocket BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
poetinmypocket BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I let myself drift off into whatever dimension my mind leads me to in order to remain a creative, colorful state of mind."

It started as a thought.

You were always on my mind.

I had nothing to associate you with, but at the time it was fine.

First came a name, but a name without a story.

I face myself in the mirror asking,

“Who is this before me?”

In my dreams the lady without the face.

Were they dreams or were they nightmares?

Either way they took place.

In my mind a disgrace.

Was that who I was?

The lost, forgotten child all because…

Because what?

The more I know the better or worse?

A world as my audience, but are there any listeners?

Tell me. 

What if the roles were reversed?

Tell me how you would feel knowing you were given away at birth.

Not knowing the truth if that’s what you deserved.

The pain and hole in my heart submerged.

A continuous search..yet all the facts are blurred.

The author's comments:

This poem is written from the perpective of an adopted child.

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