Christmas Fanatics | Teen Ink

Christmas Fanatics

November 30, 2021
By LilyL BRONZE, Placentia, California
LilyL BRONZE, Placentia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Though I watch seasons change as days go by,

I bask in fall’s heartbreak colors as now

Even the misty sky calls for one’s sigh

Yet some people make me wonder just “how?”


How can ignoring a month be allowed?

A blanket of leaves still covers the bottom.

Their Christmas lights are bright, the tree stands proud,

How can they expect winter in autumn?


Unfortunately, they just cannot wait,

Cursing time’s passing, complaining, “it’s slow!”


Sure, their patience is worn thin at this rate,

Yes, sometimes I share their wishes for snow.


But with their joy, I only remember, 

Someone has to tell them it’s November!

The author's comments:

This sonnet was inspired by the many Christmas fanatics I find myself surrounded by. From my friends who use every opprotunity to count down the days till Christmas, to my entire school already bustling with the tasks needed for our Holiday Show (while December hasn't even begun), I can't help but ponder about how they exactly switch from one month to the other with such joy and anticipation for a faraway holiday.

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