Winter | Teen Ink


January 4, 2022
By Sanuroshell BRONZE, East York, Ontario
Sanuroshell BRONZE, East York, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The snow, it softly falls to earth

The sky with diamonds in the air

The cold, it bears the snowman's worth

The gust that makes it fly my hair


The street with cars like frosted cakes

A trembling day with low temperate

The breeze that builds the icy lakes

Shows the time for a hot choc'late


I miss the old bright sunny days

Now lashes filled with snowy flakes

The pile of clothes on top me weighs

Without the green my poor heart breaks


How long we have to suffer more?

Counting days like ne'er before.

The author's comments:

This sonnet shows, the struggle to survive winter is real. As a person who's struggling to survive winter, hope of summer makes me endure hardships and wait for the better days.

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