Memory Lane | Teen Ink

Memory Lane

January 19, 2022
By evabrouslight BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
evabrouslight BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Only through the duration of this song,

Will I indulge the memory of you. 

Beat, pulsing with what I’ve tried to subdue. 

The lyrics taunt me with all that is gone. 

The quick two minutes I wish to prolong. 

My tightly sewn stitches, promptly undo,  

The once healed wound, is left opened anew.

My heart reverts back, but the rhythm is wrong.

My playlist has grown eclectic and vast,

Ranging from 90s rap to urban blues.

Yet nostalgia reigns after all the time passed, 

Through these last seconds, you will be infused. 

So as the bass fades, you are gone at last, 

Freely I skip to the next in the queue. 

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