I wish I was a bird | Teen Ink

I wish I was a bird

February 11, 2022
By Anonymous

I wish I was a bird, exploring the world,

Flying up into the blue skies,

No worries on my mind,

Just enjoying the beauty of life,

Building a home into the warmth and coziness of nature.

Fly high above the mountains, oceans, seas, and the trees,

Sailing through the breeze with my wings.

I wish I was a bird, gliding through the coast along the shore, 

I’d be able to release the pain that’s been held down into my core.

Being set free from held in tears,

Living life without fear. 

Tiny and fragile, but yet so wise and quick.

Nothing defines me, just set wild and free.

So, I wish I was a bird, exploring the world

If I was a bird, the ease of pain, happiness would come to me.

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