My Two Lovers | Teen Ink

My Two Lovers

February 16, 2022
By Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Ashrose1037 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


You’re super short but thats okay.

I love the hats you rest on your head,

And how your fiery hair burns bright red,

Without your color, my world would fade to gray,

But when I see you, I have nothing to say,

How do I convey my feelings of dread?

I’m in unfamiliar waters and I can’t tread,

Why must I think of you everyday?

I want to bury my head in your neck,

And watch all my problems dissolve away;

You’d say you’re annoyed, despite the blushing face,

You don’t have to spoil me or write me a check,

I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today,

Any room you walk in immediately becomes a better place.



The bandages hide the scars on your arms,

Or maybe they’re not hiding anything at all.

Your skin may be as smooth as a porcelain doll.

Either way, I’m seduced by your charms.

I would run my fingers through your hair as you cried,

And the locks would tangle in on each other.

I’d pet your head like a caring mother,

And show you all the love you were denied.

You don’t deserve death.

You don’t deserve pain.

You don’t deserve the numbness you feel.

You deserve a deep breath,

unopened veins,

And every positive emotion that makes you yourself real.

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