Two Faced Monster | Teen Ink

Two Faced Monster

June 14, 2022
By PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Where did you disappear to

Gone quicker than the waving wind

And for a second I thought you were true

Almost gone, rusted and thinned

Practically missing like those kids

Who’s pictures lined the street posts

I used to send you all my prayers and hymns

But your still here, but not with the ghosts

You couldn’t take it, me, anymore

We were so close to the goalline

Now the path is blurry and obscure

Now you just seem so serpentine

Missing you hurts no longer

You are just some old two faced monster

The author's comments:

Inspired by "Flesh" by Hana Wiess on Spotify

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