Ocean of Love | Teen Ink

Ocean of Love

July 11, 2022
By PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
PiperTheMushieMage SILVER, Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Mystic waves pull us down past the surface

Arcane light shining overhead yet out of reach

Wrapped in each others arms we are helpless

Runic floods sucking at us like a heartless leech

Hand in hand as we fall deeper and deeper

Blazing hues illuminate both my tears and the rains

Pressure and heat running wild like a fever

Clothes and skins covered up with bloodstains

Illusion and delusion are one in the same

Nightmares dance with the most innocent dreams

Ocean of passionate love so strong it surely deserves acclaim

Together we willing dive through both the pain and moonbeams

Drowning in each other and ourselves

Lovers lost with nobody but themselves

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