Sonnet No. 1 | Teen Ink

Sonnet No. 1

October 27, 2022
By hbocek23 BRONZE, Oak Park, California
hbocek23 BRONZE, Oak Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hunger aches, from inside those bones

Dove’s wings, an angel’s kiss

Her body is no longer something she owns

Now all she can do is reminisce

On what she once had

That’s been gone for a long time now

The only thing left, plaid

In a windowless room, how

Did we get this far?

You couldn’t do it anymore

The door, ajar

We’re here to restore,

I don’t want to be saved.

But I was enslaved.

The author's comments:

This piece is about me, and my experience in the hospital for a life-threatening eating disorder. This is the first sonnet I've ever written. I'm fifteen years old, and have been hospital-free for almost a year. I am healing, and recovering. Writing is helping.

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