Memories Of Gray | Teen Ink

Memories Of Gray

February 15, 2023
By rubygloom BRONZE, Rotterdam, Other
rubygloom BRONZE, Rotterdam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All I see is an empty room.. No more joy, an empty tomb." — Ballora ☆

I sway and twirl,
to this precious tune.
I long for laughter,
and a room filled with balloons.
Where have you gone, my little one?
Our fun has only yet begun.
Why is love so ephemeral?
I would like a memorial.
I've had enough of this dance and play.
I need to go astray,
as I have doomed myself,
filled with betray.
Now, I am only memories.
Memories of gray.

The author's comments:

It is up to you guys to figure out what this poem is about. ♡ 

It could be anything, really. Maybe it's about someone longing for freedom?

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