Bleach | Teen Ink


March 21, 2023
By Hoefscar000 BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
Hoefscar000 BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why don't I want to binge?

You are something I am trying to finish.

Lately, finding time has been cringe. 

Still, I’m skittish. 

You’ve shown me glory and excitement, and I always finish what I start.

So excite me once again while we push through this predicament. 

Committing to this may not be that smart.

I thought this was only for people who smell of sediment. 

To myself, I've got to stay true. 

I’m drawn in like a moth to a flame.

Life hasn't been the same since I joined your crew. 

I used to think people like this were lame. 

Since then I’ve grown to realize. 

How my judgment was certainly unwise. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about the anime bleach and how I've been struggling to finish watching it. 

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