The Plant | Teen Ink

The Plant

April 2, 2023
By elliotr212 BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
elliotr212 BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fresh Out,

A big purchase,

With grand things to sprout,

Elation for a newly handmade vase.

But leaves begin to grow sporadically.

Perpetual nutriment. And the soil erodes.

A rose in nature, but, a corpse of actuality.

Continual unease. Meticulous support. Development cannot be slowed.

A plant according to its growers. Shaped by its surroundings. Now the time for yield.

A plant, a tree. A plant, a worker. A plant, a factory. A plant, a firm. A plant, a sector. A plant, a business.

The growing age is over. Produce, Produce, Produce. An endless cycle, exploits many fields.

Behind are times of care. Refuse to generate, away the saw goes. Into terminal abyss.

Innumerable seasons begin to appear as weeks,

Until it sights the black crow’s beak.

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