The Phantom of Night | Teen Ink

The Phantom of Night

April 14, 2023
By natalieyen BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
natalieyen BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the moonlight floods into the garden,

Phosphoric shadows dance across the floor.

Gentle clouds revolve as if to pardon

The nightmares that ensue at midnight’s core.

Like claws made of ethereal matter,

In a second’s gasp, the absence of light

Devours, leaving your breaths in tatters 

Flying into the moon’s vulturous might.

Nevertheless, even in the darkness

There lies bewitching treasures to be found.

As petals of flowers close in fondness,

The starry sky sings melodies of sounds.

Amidst the chaos of Nature’s scares

The brilliance of Night drowns our despairs.

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