Reclaiming Light | Teen Ink

Reclaiming Light

May 22, 2023
By L0NLEY_CH1LLS BRONZE, Biddeford, Maine
L0NLEY_CH1LLS BRONZE, Biddeford, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In halls where knowledge's light should brightly gleam,

A tale of darkness unfolds, causing despair,

Where innocence shatters, a haunting theme,

And sorrow's grip hangs heavy in the air.

Once, hope and dreams danced within these walls,

Young minds ignited, ready to ascend,

But darkness came, innocence it appalls,

Leaving scars that never seem to mend.

Senseless violence, a tragic refrain,

Echoing through the corridors of time,

Each shattered life crying out in pain,

Yearning for solace, a world more sublime.

Yet, in the face of darkness, we shall stand,

Together, changing the narrative we're told,

Hand in hand, we'll shape a loving hand,

Where understanding and compassion unfold.

Education, a sanctuary we'll reclaim,

A place where knowledge blooms and minds take flight,

Let classrooms be havens, devoid of shame,

Where unity and empathy shine bright.

Together, we rise, fueled by purpose strong,

To heal wounds and restore what has been lost,

With love and unity, we can't go wrong,

For children's laughter, free from fear, the cost.

In education's power, we shall strive,

Nurturing empathy to soothe the pain,

So children may flourish and truly thrive,

And peace within our schools forever reign.

May the memory of those we've lost inspire,

Guiding us forward, under moonlit fire.

The author's comments:

Hello! My name is Beldomisa, and I'm a curious and enthusiastic individual with a passion for learning and exploring new horizons. I have a diverse range of interests, from art and literature to technology and science. I thrive on creativity and love to express myself through various mediums, be it writing, painting, or playing an instrument.

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