A Clash of Rain and Sun | Teen Ink

A Clash of Rain and Sun

June 6, 2023
By ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Red, a boxing match– Orange, loaf of homemade

Bread– Yellow, sunbathing on the beachside–

Green, a picnic in the breeze– Blue, calm wave

Of the deep lake– Purple, royalty’s pride.


It is a particular shape not full

But unfinished no end or beginning 

In sight. Rumors of a leprechaun’s toll

Of gold; He collected a lot tonight.


This occurrence is a show of indecision,

Is the sky sad or happy? It keeps many

Crowds waiting, waiting for a decision.

The limbo of these emotions is plenty.


You are together, reuniting with others,

As you laugh, heads tilted to the sky of colors.

The author's comments:

This piece represents the deeper meaning behind a rainbow and how unique of an occurrence it is. We should live in the moment where a world that has all of these colors exists.

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