Sonnet 77 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 77

June 7, 2023
By Iam77 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
Iam77 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We breathe the same air; see the same stars,

Feel the same joys and pains of existence.

And in the end, we share a common fate—

One that disregards our petty resistance.

In this world of pleasure and strife,

We must strive to find common ground,

To bridge the gaps and heal the wounds;

And rise above the hate that surrounds.

Though our beliefs and thoughts may differ,

And our paths may diverge at times,

We are all but specks in the universe,

Connected by a common life.

Let us put aside our petty grudges

And embrace our shared humanity.

For in doing so, we will find a path

Towards a brighter, more peaceful destiny.

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