The Wise Man's Son | Teen Ink

The Wise Man's Son

August 1, 2023
By Sofiemcclanahan BRONZE, Rogersville, Missouri
Sofiemcclanahan BRONZE, Rogersville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Of deserts and valleys, I knew quite well

How long had we traveled I could never tell

Along with my father, the wealthy, and wise

We wandered the desert for a worthless prize


A promised king, or so I heard

The stories and songs were naught a blur

The men gathered camels, their spices and coin

And started a journey they forced me to join

We walked through the day, and ran through the night

Braved struggle and storm with no end in sight

Until a cheer went up from the men


When they spied a town and a worn down den

When I laid eyes on it I yelled out in shock

“The king of the world really lives on this rock!?”

My father turned around and said with a sneer

To show quick respect as they drew near.


Upon the village we made our claim

And left me among the camels to strain

As I tied them up and turned to the house

I dust off my shoes and straighten my blouse

I walk towards the building, avoiding some mud,

When suddenly I tumbled to the floor with a thud.


I looked up quickly to see what I hit

And found myself shrinking back a bit


A baby boy no older than two

Hair that was short and eyes soft as dew.

I tried to get up but couldn't get away

As something about the boy made me stay.


Cross legged on the ground I stared at the child,

As he stared back at me as if he was beguiled.


I look back and realize that this was the start

Of an odd overtaking that softened my heart.



I sat there with the boy for what felt like a week

Until a young woman came that looked quite meek.

She apologized for the time that she chose to bide

And thanked me for staying by her son's side.

She turned away to bring him home

But I suddenly felt like I couldn't be alone

I stayed quiet in shock, till I found strength to stand

Before lunging forward to grab her hand.

“Wait!” I shouted, before I could think,

A question left my mouth quick as a blink.

“What's his name, Ma’am? I mean not make a fuss.”

She smiled and said “It means ‘God with us.’”

She left me there, among the dunes

With a truth that hit me like a thousand moons.

God with us? Than it must have been true

I realized right then that I had no clue.

I finally knew why the men would sing,

“Glory to the newborn king.”

The journey back was too long to tell,

And yet, this time, all was well.

The author's comments:

I made this piece for a school assignment, and ended up taking it to LAD fair and doing pretty good. I figured I should publish it here, because I want to be an author some day and think this would be a cool place to start. 

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