Meet Me Near Our Pond | Teen Ink

Meet Me Near Our Pond

August 16, 2023
By Elysian-Blu BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Elysian-Blu BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darling, I long await you near our pond

The crook in my nose will be in a book

Not anywhere else but the hill, upon

All thoughts of mine in each crevice and nook

I breathe in the scent of the charcoal oils

The ones you hold dear, and the honey scent

The weather clinging to me, almost boils

I’m certain you’re an angel, heaven sent

On your way, you’ll find splatters of moss green

The trees stand tall, dreaming of reaching clouds

They smear across the sky, such vibrant beings

And it’s just you and I, no need for crowds

You bless me with your presence, and I’ll grin

Blue eyes glimmering, you’ll sigh, “Here again.”

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